To the online course creator struggling to become a familiar face in the marketplace...
The New Interactive Learning Platform Designed To Take The Average Course Creator From “UNKNOWN TO FULL-BLOWN!”

Now you can build an automated system that will not only put clients on a conveyor belt from product sale to delivery, but will also allow you to leverage futuristic technology to position yourself as an influencer in your niche!

But First I Want To Know…

Are you a course creator struggling to find somewhere good to house your content? Maybe you’ve tried all the platforms out there and your experience went nothing as you expected…. 

Perhaps the technology was too confusing to learn, very costly to own, and not to mention...took way more work than you originally bargained for!!

In the end, you spent a lot of time and money, and for what?? To produce something that looks like the next course creator down the street might have it!

Think about it...

Almost every single online course you have taken so far has been the same. You get a set of login credentials, go to the website hosting the course, and it is delivered in a set of video and/or downloadable files that are one size fits all.

This process is very linear, predictable, and non-interactive and it’s easy to see why... Nobody wants to just stay up and stare at a screen for 4 hours. That’s like going to school back in the day and staring at an empty chalkboard. The whole experience makes you want to just toss your head up against a pillow and doze off!

That was my experience too and I came to a point where I was fed up of not finding what I needed so I built it. 

Introducing Brand System!
It took me some time to get it right but once I did, It opened up a completely new world! 
So if you’re in that space where you’re thinking about building a course or you’ve already built your course but still getting mediocre results then what I’m about to say may be the most important thing you’ve ever read…..

It was Mid August 2020, I was going through some emails in the office at my former place of employment when I noticed a notification for a paid subscription. As I clicked and opened it, I grew frustrated and a bit puzzled. “Why was I even paying for this? “How can I use it?”

Now just to bring you up to speed, I had been paying a subscription for like a year, for a new software that I never figured out how to use but somehow knew that I needed…. and the two of us had been a long-term “love & hate” relationship!

Every month the bill came and I was looking at it upside down with one foot in the door and one foot out!

I subscribed to “her” then canceled “her” six months later for being too confusing, difficult, and wasting my time but because I knew she was more valuable than meets the eye, after two months of canceling..guess what?! I figured maybe she just needed some love (which is me figuring the thing out!)….So I subscribed again
But this time I was going to do something different

I had been banging my head against the wall for almost a year trying to figure out how I can leverage this new technology when all this time all I had to do was call my videographer and VOILA!- he was able to figure out how it worked and from there I realized what I had.

Everything fell into place!

We figured it out, mapped out a vision on the board, took it to the shop, and now after several weeks It was staring me right in the face. My life has changed forever…

After going back and forth with the developers explaining the vision and tens of thousands of dollars trying to get this thing right...

I had built a system that allowed me to take myself out of the equation and make crazy amounts of money while I slept because now my clients were getting content delivered to them automatically but that’s not even the best part…
Come closer and read this…
The content was being delivered by an Artificial Intelligent System that allowed my clients to select answers in the form of options and it delivered content based on their answers. This means that everybody would go down a path based on their unique learning styles, traits, and personality!

I know this may sound crazy so allow me to put things into perspective. Imagine that I am teaching you right now and I asked you a question and four options popped up on the screen

The path you would go down if you selected option A would be different from the path of option B. And the deeper you go into it, the more options there are.

And each of these options is teaching the client exactly what they need to know

Impossible right?!! Not if you understand the power of Artificial Intelligence...

And I’m no scientist or developer but trust me I love it all day!
  • I was able to close clients at higher packages because the new interface looks like a Million dollars
  • ​I finally found somewhere to host my content that didn’t make me jump through hurdles and rings of fire to figure it out!
  • ​I made enough money to give my boss the pink slip 
  • ​And between you and I..I was even able to toss out a pile of old course creation software recommended by very popular coaches because honestly, none of them had what I was looking for
  • Convert More Ideal Clients!
  • ​Build Subscriber Pitch Model
  • ​Best Strategy for Branding
  • ​Build Trust and Confidence in Your Competence 
  • Become Evidence Based
  • ​Indoctrinate Your Followers
  • ​Teach More Effectively
  • ​Charge Higher Prices
  • ​Do it Once and Never Do it Again! 
Brand System is blue ocean! At this point, there is nobody doing this. That means that we (you & I) have an opportunity to take the world by storm….

And if at this point you have tried and failed at launching a profitable course then don’t be so hard on yourself because this is not your fault.
Why You Haven’t been Getting To The Money
The REAL problem is that other tech systems are very expensive, difficult to learn, take up a lot of time and create a very cookie-cutter experience at the end of the day that turns off the turns off the parts of your clients brain that causes them to engage

What you need is an interactive course that makes your class feel like they are in a LIVE classroom setting, sitting right across from the instructor and this can only be done through Brand System!
It’s only a matter of time before they catch on!
Sign up NOW

It is only a matter of time before all the major influencers catch on and realize that they can build a course with Artificial Intelligence. Either you adapt now while everybody’s attention is still on the old model or you risk becoming a ghost on the internet when the major influencers realize what’s going on….and that may in fact be sooner than later 

I Know What It’s Like...

A few months ago, I was in your position. I still remember enrolling in all the courses, buying all the software and at the end of the day not being able to make any real use of it. Truthly I may stil be paying for some of them unknowingly because I have tried so many. 

I was tired of spending money and wasting my time only to produce something that looked like the next 10 people down the street would have it. I needed something different. I wanted something that would silence the noise and blow everybody’s mind once and for all.

Therefore I decided to build a Brand System and now my business’ revenue has blown through the roof. Brand System gave me that edge that I needed to stand out in a big way and now it can do the same for you!

So How Can You Get Started?

Before I Make An Offer, I Want To Clarify….

If you feel like you already have enough money to retire right now on an island in the Caribbean somewhere near the beach sipping on coconut juice or you just don’t want more money, more impact, and you don’t want to touch lives in a way that the world have never seen..then Brand System is not for you.

However, if you want to create a course that not only can run automatically and generate hefty sums of cash but will also position you as an influencer then I have an offer for you

For a small investment of $99 per month you can get access to a state of the art, futuristic, learning management platform designed to take you from Unknown to Full Blown!

And to show you how certain I am of this new revolutionary system, I am going to completely remove the risk. If within 30 days of you purchasing Brand System, you set up your course, send the right traffic to it, do all the right things and you don’t blow people’s mind then I will refund your money and give you a $1000 worth of product just for wasting your time.

So What Are You Going To Do?
So I’ve given you the facts and painted the picture of what’s possible (A life of freedom and massive impact!) so now you have to decide what you’re going to do. 

At this point, you can do one of three things and before you decide I really want you to know that whatever you choose to do is perfectly fine with me...
  • Pass up on this opportunity and allow it to fall into the hands of the next person who wants to make a million dollars next year because I guess you have enough money to live out your days somewhere warm, near the beach,with beautiful sunsets and coconut juice. Your pockets are full, wallet full and bank account full. You don’t want or need any more money.If that’s you and you don’t want more money right now then this is not for you.
  • ​You can go back to the same course creators who are poking holes in your pocket right now in exchange for crumbs or better yet try to build your own “Brand System” because obviously you’re an Artificial Intelligence Specialist who understands how to put a robot in a computer that can crunches numbers, update your spotify playlist and walk people through your course material at the same time, then by all means go ahead 
  • ​Or you take this opportunity to plant a seed that can feed you and the people you love- Forever! Brand System is designed to do just that. Once you set it, you can just let it and never regret it. 
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One Time Offer - Only $37: People always wonder: "What happens if I build a funnel, and it FLOPS?” Don’t worry (Most people's do the first time...)! At last year’s Funnel Hacking Live, I gave a special workshop called Funnel Audibles. It shows you a simple process to take ANY funnel that’s broken, and turn it from a ‘zero’ to a ‘HERO’! Click YES to get the training, plus the transcripts and companion workbook that will walk you through how to do a funnel audible on your own funnel now for just $37! (This offer is not available ANYWHERE else on the market!)

Dynamically Updated
Shaan, What If I’m Still On The Fence?
No worries, I have something special arranged for you because quite honestly, If somebody came to me and said they had this new system that uses artificial intelligence to make courses I would be a little skecktical too…

Which is why I’m going to ask you not to believe me..see for yourself

Below is a button that will take you to make your own “Brand System”. Click it now to check it out get an inside look at what Brand System is like and what it can do for you
- Shaan Rais
limited time offer!
© 2020